SEO Beast adalah template bergaya Magazine (majalah). Lebih keren lagi template ini sangat responsive.
Tidak hanya itu, SEO Beast merupakan template blogger dengan desain elegan, premium.
Seperti kata sang maestronya berikut ini,:
“Seo Best is blogger template that’s gonna represent the whole scenario. For any particular reason template designers started making themes for their website no matter for WordPress themes or blogger templates but their main concern is to give a website an elegant look and making it perfect as far as Google SEO is concern. Bt9 is not only for designing elegant website templates but other reason is that it should fulfill Google’s requirements by following all Google’s algorithm that’s only how you can make your blogger or website to be on top in search index, in ranking and definitely in being a good competitor”
Keren banget kan?
Featured SEO Beast Magazine Responsive Blogger Template
Untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut beberapa fiturnya:
- Google Testing Tool Validator
- Mobile Friendly
- Responsive
- Seo Friendly
- Responsive Dropdown Menu
- Email Subscribe Form
- 40+ Posts on Homepage
- Custom Threaded Comments
- Social Share button with Dropdown
- Multi Author area below post
- Breadcrumbs
- Related Posts with Thumbnail
- more….
Demikan Gun. Silakan comot aja template ini, gratis kok. Selain ok, yang penting juga free blogger template. Lebih Ok lagi, ada juga versi berbayarnya, yakni senilai 30 dolar. Mantabh pokoke. Untuk link demo dan downloadnya ada di bawah ini:
Sekian sekilas info mengenai SEO Beast – Template Majalah Responsive Abis. Semoga bermanfa’at.
Salam (*
keren abios templatenya..