Nulisku Tips SEO SEO Tips: Beginner’s Guide to Understanding and Implementing SEO

SEO Tips: Beginner’s Guide to Understanding and Implementing SEO

Do you have a website and need a lot of visitors in the long run? If Yes, you must know basic SEO. SEO is a technique that you should master (and apply) as the owner of the website to get a good ranking in the search engines.

But newbies usually afraid of SEO.

This is because you will find new terms and techniques are not taught in school times. As a result, some people consider SEO is strange stuff.

You currently have not at all understand at all about SEO, at the end of the chapter will understand how to apply them to your website. Whereas if you already understand at a glance, you will be able to deepen their SEO.

All this in a matter of hours.

Please start from Chapter 1 or go directly to the chapter you want to study. If you need more information about SEO, continue reading prior to the first chapter.

Why SEO? Why search engines?

SEO Tips: Beginner's Guide to Understanding and Implementing SEOWhen it needs information from the internet, what do you use to find the information?

Google? Bing?

If you are already familiar with the digital world, certainly no stranger to both. Yes, both the website is search engines or search engine.

It’s not just you who use both the website.

But also hundreds of million people Indonesia more … and billions of people from different parts of the world. All of them are looking for information to use the machine searching.

That is why search engines are able to bring more people to your website.

There’s more …

Search engines send visitors with high quality. If you sell your products/services on the website, then the people from the search engines who are most likely to buy.

Even the quality of its traffic is the second largest (after email).

Therefore digital marketers often use SEO techniques in its marketing strategy.

So in conclusion, you have to learn SEO because:

  • The volume of visitors from search engines is the most
  • Quality visitors from the search engines is the best number 2
  • SEO is important because search engines give studied many visitors with high quality

Do I have to understand SEO?

In short: not necessarily.

Indeed the above statements seeming to require all website owners to apply SEO because in such magnitude.

But not all people/websites needed SEO.

This is because not all websites need visitors from search engines. There are other types of website that are not effective when utilizing SEO as the main strategy.

This means that the …

Search engines like Google to display a list of suitable websites keywords entered by a human. This means that you will only be getting visitors if your desired keyword is also desired by others.

Try to imagine this type of website:

  • Humor/entertainment
  • Blog personal
  • Fiction

Very rarely … or even nothing to search content from the website as above via search engines.

Thus their main marketing strategy instead of SEO, but social media marketing for example … or a paid advertisement, or otherwise.

Once again, remember:

If the type of website you are indeed never searched through the search engines, then you don’t need to master SEO.

On the contrary,

You need to learn SEO and applying it to the website if you are a:

  • Professional bloggers
  • Business website owners
  • Affiliate CPA marketer &
  • The owner of the online shop
  • Web-based software developer
  • Professionals who utilize a website to build a reputation
  • Professionals who have an online portfolio
  • The seller of the products/services via the internet
  • Entrepreneurs who want to do online marketing
  • Those include categories above this should understand SEO …

At least the basics.

The reason is because prospective customers, customers, and their many users who use search engines. SEO techniques can be a major factor in his success.

Are you including the 9 categories above?

Continue heading in Chapter 1, as it may be SEO guide this could be the first step of your success.
The seventh chapter contains the essence of SEO that will continue to prevail for a lifetime.

SEO Tips Part 1: What is SEO?

If you ever do a search website in Google, Yahoo!, Bing, or any other search engine, you will see a list of websites that are relevant to your search.

The search engine sorts the search results are not a random, but based on the level ofthe relevance and quality of the website.

There are many factors used by search engines to determine both these factors. Here’s what aspects influenced SEO.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the efforts to optimize a website for search engines in order to get a better ranking in search results.

The search engine using a specific algorithm to sort websites based on rank.

With the practice of SEO, means we customize our website in order to be friendly with the algorithm.

Why SEO is important for your website?

Since the existence of search engines like Google, almost all of the people searching for information online through search engines.

From data published by Google, websites which ranks first to third get a total cumulative click of over 50%.

The first stage of its own to get more than 20%.

This shows how the importance of SEO for your website, with the help of SEO you can get thousands to tens of thousands of visitors per day.

Moreover, visitors from the search engines is the people who are hungry for information and want to buy the product. If you have an online business, visitors from search engines will have a conversion rate (conversion rate).

SEO is part of inbound marketing is a modern marketing is techniques in the digital age.

Inbound marketing, including SEO is a method of marketing that the smallest cost compared to traditional marketing techniques.

The basic concepts of SEO

Google (and other search engines) is a product. They want to so that other people are satisfied using their service.

Users want so that the best websites that are relevant to the search appears on the first page. Because that’s what the search engines are always want to show the best results for each keyword that you enter user.

So the core of SEO is to make your website the best for the keywords you want.

Okay … so the best. But in terms of what?

  • The content presented
  • Structure and navigation
  • The satisfaction of users (User Experience/UX)
  • The popularity of

In this SEO guide series we will learn how you can be the best rather than your competitor.

Can my website be successful without SEO?

Having regard to the basic concepts of SEO at the top, you actually don’t need to dizzy thinking about SEO. Not rarely the person who has a popular website without knowing SEO.

This is because search engines are currently brainstorming assumes the page structure and the quality of the website.

Current SEO in practice more dominant as a business marketing than technical.


It is possible your website still need a little more effort than you are to be successful. Besides knowing the SEO techniques you understand how to create a successful website.

What is the SEO I can do myself?

There are a lot of people or companies that offer SEO services, but the real SEO also you can do it yourself without using the service.

With the existence of various SEO guide is provided for free on the internet (including this manual), you can learn a self-taught and applying it themselves.

You could save millions of dollars by doing its own optimization.

For website information structure are simple, you most likely don’t need to be using the SEO services and simply rely on this guide.

But if your website have a complicated structure such as an online store or web-app, there’s a chance you need SEO services to simplify structures in order to be friendly to search engines.

What should I learn?

There are several major components in SEO, these components that will determine how well your website for SEO. This component is determine the order of rank in the search results of search engines.

In a nutshell, here’s what you need to learn to master SEO.

  • Optimizing Web page
  • Keyword research (Keyword research)
  • Analyze the competition
  • Make the content fully optimized
  • Build popularity, links, and reputation
  • Audit SEO performance against

The six core this can you learn through the next chapters. So, I feel glad you want discussion and learn SEO with us. Hopefully useful, salam success.

Read also: SEO Tips Part 2: On-Page SEO-Optimizing Pages and Website Content for Search Engines

SL Bogger

Author: admin

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